Hi. I'm Jennifer and I've been blogging since 2004. I got my start on LiveJournal where I used to write about visual-kei, Japan, the tragedies of being a high-schooler, more Japan, and assorted nonsensical inside jokes.
After graduating from UGA in 2009, I decided I was feeling grown, and moved to blogspot around the same time I moved to Japan. Around, 2011 I created a new blog and "miss wave" was born.
Jennifer means "white wave" in Welsh. In case you were wondering.
Japan was my home for 5 years and while there I co-created trick/rock. magazine with Ri, made lots of friends, heard lots of great music, saw lot of cool places, and ate lots of great food. Living in Japan was a dream of mine since high school and it's an experience I'm truly grateful for.
I moved back to the U.S. in October 2014 and am now happily settled in Atlanta. A graphic designer by profession, a blogger for funsies, shameless Bravo and Sims addict by choice.
This blog is first and foremost for me.
You don't have to read it, and you don't have to like it.
But if you do read it and you do like it, hey. That's great too.
♡ jennifer